where my heart lies
a personal blog

There’s no place like home. But what exactly is home? Oxford Languages dictionary defines home as “the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household”. This traditional definition of home emphasizes the physical structure one lives in while implying that “home” often refers to a space where one coexists with loved ones. Reflecting on the fact that I feel most at home in a place I’ve never permanently lived in, the classic definition of home seems faulty. I believe home is not merely a physical space but a feeling evoked by the spiritual connection one has with their surroundings. To me, home is where one's soul feels rejuvenated, secure, and most true. It is a place one's spirit aches for; where one belongs. The dichotomy between the physical and spiritual definitions of home compelled me to explore the intangible ties that inspire the varying emotions associated with different places. Through a collection of narratives, this project aims to investigate my personal definition of home by illustrating the elements that have influenced my sense of belonging in each location I have lived in as well as the land I feel closest to. I invite you to travel with me through the geography of my life.